About PGVC Programs and Grants

Background and Purpose

 It is EPA policy to work with Tribes on a government-to-government basis to enhance environmental protection in Indian Country and Tribal communities. In 1992, Congress passed the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program Act, which authorizes EPA to provide General Assistance Program (GAP) grants to federally-recognized Tribes and Tribal consortia for planning, developing and implement solid and hazardous waste program on Tribal lands. The goal of this program is to assist Tribes in developing the capacity to manage their own environmental protection programs, and to develop and implement solid and hazardous waste programs in accordance with individual tribal needs and applicable federal law and regulations.

The Port Graham Village Council has been funded under EPA’s Indian General Assistance Grant (IGAP) from October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2004. Over the past four years we have learned enormously about environmental issues in Alaska, in our region, and our community. We have developed relationships with those dedicated to preserving and improving the environment, and identified key issues and contacts. We are learning more about the environment in our village, involving our local Tribal members in discussing environmental issues of concern, and together have learned much about how to protect our water, land, food, and our health.

The Tribal members are heavily dependent on the traditional subsistence resources, therefore, the community members are very concerned with the impacts of contaminants for the Traditional foods. Additionally, Port Graham is facing many health related issues such as cancer, asthma, and respiratory complications occurring in our children and elders. Water quality and safe drinking water are high priorities for the community. Stresses from growth in transportation systems, housing, and timber and tourism development are an increasing risk to the traditional lifeways. Resulting from the development is added responsibility for the community in reviewing permits that impact our resources.


Focus Areas of EPA

Region 10 will work with Tribal Governments to protect and restore the natural resources on which tribal communities rely for their physical, cultural and economic well-being. Environmental influences have a vast impact on tribal “way of life” regarding subsistence, cultural resources, traditions, and human health risks. We respect and support the sovereignty of tribes as they develop and operate their own environmental programs, or choose to partner with other entities to manage natural resources.

Assistance for Capacity Building
•           By October 2008, Region 10 will develop an improved approach to awarding and managing Indian General Assistance Program (IGAP) grants that better assures effective use of funds and allows tribal coordinators to be more responsive to the broad interests of the tribes they serve. EPA will increase the number of tribes receiving grants by 10% each year; through additional pre-award monitoring and closer management, reduce by 10% each year the number of new tribal grant enforcement actions; and reduce grant workload to an average of 15 to 20 grants per Tribal Coordinator.


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Contact us:

Violet Yeaton

Rita Meganack


Environmental Newsletters

Environmental Health Committe Meeting Minutes

Links for EPA IGAP

- Regional Tribal Operations Committee

-Focus Areas of EPA

-For fiscal years 2007-2011, Region 10 will focus on the following six strategic endeavors.

-2007-2011 Region 10 Strategy: Enhancing Tribal Environments

-Tips for New GAP Grant Recipients and Employees

-Indian General Assistance Program Grants Preparation and Administration Resources

-Indian General Assistance Program (GAP) Funding


Environmental Program

Upcoming events


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Environmental Health Committee Members

Harrietta McGhan

Stella Meganack

Lydia McMullen

Dannielle Malchoff

Jennie Kamluck

Melinda Kamluck